Friday, May 3, 2013

A midst the Examination Blues

A midst the examinations stress, I decided to start blogging again! It's an interesting trend I see here: I start doing new random things whenever I'm halfway through my exams. A noticeboard in my room, post-its collage, collection of food-toys (which I will blog about soon!), etc.

There's a number of things I'm looking forward to after this semester officially ends:
(a) Internship at kits4kids. I can't wait to see the children, and I will get to see them 5 days a week! -bliss-
(b) FYP. Perhaps it sounds a bit abnormal to be excited about FYP, but I am! I'm extremely thankful to have found a supervising professor who is extremely helpful with not only my project but my future. More importantly, my FYP topic research crosses between an area I'm extremely familiar with and one which I've no clue about: Autism and Neuropsychology. It sounds daunting, but I really can't wait to get started on it.

Meanwhile, let me try to figure out the design/template thing on blogger :/

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